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VideoTALE: Storytelling w/Video

  • The PIT 23 East 24th Street New York, NY, 10010 United States (map)

The World-Famous VideoTALE returns to The Peoples Improv Theater

Video + Stories + VideoTALE

VideoTALE incorporates storytelling with video; all storytellers integrate video with their stories. Get it? There's video and stories - all in one show.

Hosted by Harmon Leon (The American Life, VICE)

This Month:

Boris Khaykin (MTV, VH1, UCB)

Pat Rigby (UG Comedy)

Valerie Hager (Edinburgh Festival, SoloCom)

Jeffrey Kornberg (Fuse, MTV, Vanity Fair, Glamour)

April 30

Political TALE: Storytelling w/Politics

May 31

TALE: NYC's Finest Storytelling